

IJICTM Vol. 3 IJICTM Vol. III Issue 1 April 2015

An Integration of Round Robin with Shortest Job First Algorithm for Cloud Computing Environment

Authors :Dr. Thomas Yeboah, Prof. Odabi I. Odabi and Kamal Kant Hiran

Implementing ADDED ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (A-AES) to Secure Data on the Cloud

Authors : Mr. Mahendra Kumar Shrivas and Mr. Satya Vir Singh

Use of Educational Apps in Today's Classroom

Authors : Mr. Sujith Jayaprakash and Mr. Vibin Chandar

ICT as an Innovative Tool in Sharpening Students Creative Skills

Authors : Mr. Prince Sackey J, Mr.Jarikre Amos

Seamless Roaming Solution Services for Multi- National Telecommunication Companies (A CASE STUDY OF MTN - GHANA)

Authors : Mr.Nelson Kudzo Soh

Optimal Computing Performance with Symmetric Multiprocessors

Authors : Mr.Frank Kataka Banaseka, Mr.Elias Nii Noi and Mr.Patrick Kudjo


IJICTM Vol. 3 IJICTM Vol. III Issue 1 April 2015

The Role of Strategy in a Competitive Business Environment: A Case Study of Ecobank Ghana Limited

Authors : Ms. Loretta Sarpong

The Effect of 'Soli' on News Reportage in Ghana

Authors : Ms. Katherine Sabuey Agbemenu and Mr. Ike Tandoh

The Effect of Existing Laws on Fair Value Implementation in the Agricultural Sector of Ghana

Authors : Mr. Joseph Kwasi Agyemang

An Empirical Analysis of the Salvation Army; A Guide to Non-Governmental Organizations Survival, Growth and Future Success

Authors : Mr. Ampofo Bernard Amponsah