IJICTM – International Journal of ICT and Management
Where cutting edge research meets real life application
About the Journal
The International Journal of ICT and Management (IJICTM) ISSN No. 2026-6839 is a high quality peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of original research papers in ICT and Management and its broad range of applications. Fostering the inclusivity of knowledge, this no-fee platform encouraging research scholars and scientists to publish their original work, this Journal was launched on February 22, 2013. ...Read More
Aim and Scope
The International Journal of ICT and Management is a platform dedicated to shaping future research and development activities in both academia and industry. The platform highlights cutting edge research which would have a direct impact on real life business and technology use cases. The global business environment and the stakeholders is in the midst of transformational change and the journal is committed to making a difference by fostering research with credible real life use cases and implications....Read More
The year IJICTM was first published
Cycles for Submission
Papers Published